Kenny & Liz Campbell
Kenny and Liz are parents of one child, Will, who is 14. Kenny is a pest control technician and has been for 21 years. Liz is a stay at home mom. They love family time, whether it is family near or far. They live in Knoxville, TN in a small community called Karns. They also have two dogs, Phoebe, a Great Dane, and Leo, a Poodle!! Life is simple, but they love it!
Liz has been a believer since 2007. Although, she grew up in a Christian home, and prayed as a five-year-old to accept Jesus, it was not until May of 2007, that she finally realized the absolute love of Jesus. Kenny has been a believer since he was 13 years old. It was not until he was about 20 years old that he began to personally follow Him. He is thankful to God for the mentors and friends that God used to help him grow, as well as expand his vision for the Lord.
Kenny and Liz have always been active members of a church body, including the ministries of the church. They both served in the children’s ministry for many years. Liz and Will are currently serving their church, teaching, and loving the two-year olds. Kenny is currently on the security team and looks after the children and their security while church is in session. Together, they currently lead a home group of about 16 people. This has been a big step, but a great one!! They have both served on the mission field. Kenny traveled to Haiti and served the people by building shelters. Kenny and Liz both served in White Cone, AZ for several summers, having bible studies and building relationships.
They are very excited in seeing what God can do through church planting. They agree that seeing the Lord move and expand “the Church” all over the world gives them great joy!!! They are also excited to see believers new, and old, come together as a church body, encouraging each other, and sharing Jesus within the communities where God has planted them.