Anyway Mupesewa
Anyway Mupesewa was born and raised in Zimbabwe, Africa. Several events in his life prove God’s plan to use him to build His kingdom. He was orphaned at the age of 11 and got accepted into an orphanage, where he was raised in a godly environment. It was at this orphanage where God spoke to him vividly in a dream concerning reaching out to his people first.
Anyway received a calling to missions at the young age of 14. His passion for church-planting developed further during his time at Johnson University, where he earned his Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Preaching and in Community Development respectively. Today, he is a passionate church-planter, who also trains, equips, and sends out missionaries/church-planters everywhere the Spirit leads.
Anyway is a family man who loves music, soccer, and training disciples to fulfill the Great Commission.